频闪眼镜标准版 运动风范 Sensory Performance Training Eyewear
Strobe Eyewear is designed to train the connections between an individual’s Eyes — Brain — Body. The lenses flicker between transparent and opaque, removing visual information and forces the individual to process more efficiently. Our Strobe Eyewear is integrated into existing training drills and exercises.
- 180度全视角曲面LCD镜片
- 可调单眼和双眼模式
- OLED显示难度、模式和电池量
- 可充电电池,安全电压,长待机时间
- 8级难度可调
- 适合室内和户外使用
- 绑带使眼镜适合运动时佩戴
- 时尚运动外观
Can I try one of your gaggles? Where I can buy it?
Hi, are you in China, the price inside China are different with US. In China we have distributor
You can send message to my email light.zhou@eyestrobe.cn