频闪眼镜PRO版 最强大脑
Quads are the next generation of stroboscopic eyewear designed to improve reaction time, spatial awareness, balance, and visuomotor skills. Using liquid crystal technology, the lenses flicker between clear and opaque, removing visual information and forcing an individual to process more efficiently. The Senaptec Strobe is designed to train the connections between an individual’s eyes, brain, and body. The Senaptec Quad Strobe eyewear allows the user to select regions of strobing to customize a performance or therapy activity. Our Strobe Eyewear is integrated into existing training drills and exercises.
The new Quad Strobes offer all the capabilities of the basic units and much more, significantly improving the precision in applications. In this new version, each lens in the Senaptec Quad Strobe is segmented into quadrants. From the glasses themselves or using the Senaptec Strobe App, the user can activate each region independently and customize the occluding patterns desired. For sport performance, the Senaptec Quad Strobe can be programmed to the specific visual demands of the sport. With the Senaptec Quad Strobes, you can block the medial visual field and Strobe your peripheral vision. If in training, you need the player to keep their eyes up, then the segmented lenses can be easily programmed to consistently block the lower field of view while strobing the upper region. The Senaptec Strobe is designed to train the connections between an individual’s eyes, brain, and body. Using liquid crystal technology, the lenses flicker between clear and opaque, removing visual information and forcing the individual to process more efficiently. The Senaptec Strobe can be integrated into existing sports training drills and exercises. or to vision therapy protocols as an uploading technique.
SENAPTEC Medical solution promotes healthy brains. These are a must own training aid for any therapy room or athletic training center. Our Eyewear identifies the areas that need help and gives you the capability to implement central neuro transformative therapy, visual therapy and rehabilitation. About 80% of your brain is dedicated to processing sensory information. When your brain is injured or your senses misaligned – you suffer. Our tools help identify the areas that need help and give you the capability to implement transformative therapy. When you train your senses, you promote a healthier brain. Practitioners use our sensory solution today to address a multitude of conditions including: ACL injuries, strokes, traumatic brain injuries, autism, ankle injuries, AD and ADHD.
- 180度全视角曲面LCD镜片
- 可调单眼和双眼模式
- APP配置客户化频闪模式
- OLED显示难度、模式和电池量
- 可充电电池,安全电压,长待机时间
- 8级难度可调
- 适合室内和户外使用
- 绑带使眼镜适合运动时佩戴
- 时尚运动外观