SENAPTEC Quad has 4 segments per lens. It is designed to promote healthy brain by working on straining the connections between an Eye — Brain — Body.The lenses flicker between transparent and opaque, removing visual information and forces the individual to process more efficiently. Our Strobe Eyewear is integrated into existing training drills and exercises.
Our Eyewear identifies the areas that need help and gives you the capability to implement transformative therapy. SENAPTEC Medical solution promotes healthy brains. About 80% of your brain is dedicated to processing sensory information. When your brain is injured or your senses misaligned – you suffer. Our tools help identify the areas that need help and give you the capability to implement transformative therapy. When you train your senses, you promote a healthier brain. Practitioners use our sensory solution today to address a multitude of conditions including: ACL injuries, strokes, traumatic brain injuries, autism, ankle injuries, AD and ADHD.
The Senaptec solution promotes healthy brains. About 80% of your brain is dedicated to processing sensory information. When your brain is injured or your senses misaligned, you suffer. Our tools help identify the areas that need help and give you the capability to implement transformative therapy. When you train your senses you promote a healthier brain. Practitioners use the Senaptec sensory solution today to address a multitude of conditions including: ACL injuries, strokes, traumatic brain injuries, autism, ankle injuries, multiple sclerosis, and ADHD. For consultation on therapy, we recommend you find a Senaptec practitioner on our client page.